AUTOSAR announces its partnership program Premium Partner Plus

AUTOSAR expands its partnership levels enabling extended participation for interested partners to address industry-wide challenges

AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture) is a large, worldwide development partnership, with AUTOSAR standards being used by numerous OEMs as well as suppliers and tool providers.

Until now the partnership levels Premium, Development and Associate Partner together with Attendee for non-profit organizations allow a manifold involvement in the AUTOSAR Working Groups that drive technical standardization. To allow partners to engage even more intensively in standardization activities – especially in terms of technical steering – AUTOSAR is pleased to announce the launch of the Premium Partner Plus (PP+) program.

The new Premium Partner Plus partnership level is implemented on the strong foundation of the already available Premium Partnership. The interested companies additionally appoint one full-time equivalent (FTE) employee as a member of the AUTOSAR Project Leader team, thus underlining the steering component of the PP+ program. Accentuating the partner's commitment to the further development of the standards, AUTOSAR expects an additional contribution of at least five FTE positions to the AUTOSAR Working Groups and a partnership fee of 90.000€.

The new Premium Partner Plus program includes several enhancements and replaces the Strategic Partnership program, under which DENSO was contributing since the beginning of 2019 towards the advancement of the standard as well as technical leading within the Project Leader Team. AUTOSAR greatly appreciates DENSO’s willingness to continue this strong partnership under the new Premium Partner Plus program and therefore warmly welcomes DENSO as the first Premium Partner Plus.

Jennifer Neumüller, Senior Manager for Corporate R&D at DENSO AUTOMOTIVE Deutschland GmbH, said, “DENSO looks forward to continuing to drive the standard forward in both technical and project-level aspects. In doing so, we will be able to effectively leverage our previous experience as a Strategic Partner. Remaining active in multiple levels of AUTOSAR allows us to keep a broad view of activities and helps us to discover avenues for collaboration and standardization on a global level, strengthening especially the alignment with the Japan region. As such, we look forward to continuing our contribution under the Premium Partner Plus program.”

With this, the clear benefit of Premium Partner Plus partnership is to be able to get involved in driving AUTOSAR standard development beyond purely technical standardization.

Companies interested in fostering AUTOSAR’s role in the Automotive Development Environment are asked to contact for further information.