AUTOSAR R20-11 Release Event: Programm announcement

Hello AUTOSAR Enthusiast,

AUTOSAR will introduce its latest release for the Classic and Adaptive Platform including detailed features and highlights about the new concepts.



Morning sessions and afternoons will include the same content, offering attendees the opportunity to join either session depending on their time zone.

Morning Session

  1. Welcome & Key Note - Günter Reichart (Spokesperson) - 9:00 am (CET)
  2. AUTOSAR Introduction - Rinat Asmus (Deputy Chairperson) - 9:10
  3. Feature Overview: - 9:30
  • Vehicle energy management - Manfred Zajicek (Project Leader Team)
  • Safety - Huzaifa Saadat (Working Group Safety)
  • Security - Adrian Baruta (Working Group Security)
  • Further concepts - Jennifer Neumüller (Projekt Leader Team)
  1. AUTOSAR Glimpse 2021 - Rinat Asmus (Deputy Chairperson) - 10:10
  2. Closing Session - Günter Reichart  (Spokesperson) - 10:25
  3. Feedback & Networking - All - 10:30
  4. Open Networking Area - 11:00

Afternoon Session

  1. Welcome & Key Note - Günter Reichart (Spokesperson) - 4:00 pm (CET)
  2. AUTOSAR Introduction - Rinat Asmus (Deputy Chairperson) - 4:10
  3. Feature Overview: - 4:30
  • Vehicle energy management - Manfred Zajicek (Projekt Leader Team)
  • Safety - Huzaifa Saadat (Working Group Safety)
  • Security - Adrian Baruta (Working Group Security)
  • Further concepts - Jennifer Neumüller (Projekt Leader Team)
  1. AUTOSAR Glimpse 2021 - Rinat Asmus (Deputy Chairperson) - 5:10
  2. Closing Session - Günter Reichart  (Spokesperson) - 5:25
  3. Feedback & Networking - All - 5:30
  4. Open Networking Area - 6:00


This is the first time we give a sneak preview not only to the AUTOSAR community, but also to non-partners.

Be part of it, register now.