AUTOSAR R20-11 Release Event

What a good way to end the year! Despite the recent coronavirus (Covid-19) developments, AUTOSAR was able to safely bring the AUTOSAR Community together and host its first-ever virtual Release Event on December 4th, 2020! The event included online sessions in the morning and afternoon (UTC), offering flexibility for participants around the world to join in different time zones. AUTOSAR introduced its latest release R20-11 to the AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture) development partnerships and interested public. The event attracted over 850 participants from around the world. This included a wide range of audiences from different industries and academia.  

The event started with a warm welcome speech by Mr. Kenji Hontani, Chairperson of AUTOSAR. And was followed by an opening introduction to the Release Event by Dr. Günter Reichart, spokesperson of AUTOSAR. From here, Mr. Rinat Asmus, Deputy Chairperson of AUTOSAR, made an informative introduction about AUTOSAR, where he informed participants about how AUTOSAR is leading the way towards an innovative and holistic E/E System Architecture for Future Intelligent Mobility. 

Afterwards, the sessions started with Mr. Manfred Zajicek, Project Leader Team, introducing the developments on the vehicle energy management concepts, including the Rework of PNC handling, Vehicle Network State Management (VNSM), and Ethernet Wake on Data Line. Mr. Huzaifa Saadat, Working Group Safety, followed with an interesting overview of the safety concepts, where he addressed concepts like System Health Monitoring, Requirements Specification Document and Deterministic Sync. This was followed by Mr. Adrian Baruta, Working Group Security, who then addressed the security concepts, including the Integration of Identity and Access Management and SCREIAM (Static Configuration of Remote ECU Identity and Access Management), Intrusion Detection System Manager and Crypto API (Cryptographic Application Programming Interface). Lastly, Ms. Jennifer Neumüller, Project Leader Team, introduced and explained software update features, application interfaces and more features from the new AUTOSAR Standard Release R20-11. 

The final session included an outlook for 2021 presented by Mr. Rinat Asmus, where he shared a glimpse into the future of AUTOSAR and informed what the community of AUTOSAR can expect for 2021. Mr. Gunter Reichart followed up with a closing speech and started the feedback section of the event, where AUTOSAR speakers addressed specialized technical topics from the Classic and Adaptive Platform to interested participants who sent their questions throughout the event.  

Five virtual chatrooms were available to join, where different topics were addressed: Vehicle Energy Management, Security, Safety, AUTOSAR General Information, and How to Become a Partner. An additional chatroom was included for general networking among participants. It gave us real pleasure to host an event where the AUTOSAR community can connect, learn and innovate together. Expect to hear more from AUTOSAR soon!

Check our new R20-11 Release out, here.