Announcing a new Working Group: WG-CLD

Since the addition of the Adaptive Platform, the AUTOSAR partnerships continue to expand resulting in creation of new AUTOSAR Working Groups to address new use cases.Therefore AUTOSAR is announcing the creation of Working Group Cloud (WG-CLD). The central goal of AUTOSAR is to enhance the standard to handle external vehicle communications to cloud-based services.

The WG-CLD is organized as a cross-platform Working Group with its main engagement being the identification of use cases and the discussion of technical details related to the aforementioned goal. 

AUTOSAR is looking for experts to actively particiate in this Working Group. If you are interested in taking part in expert discussions, defining new deliverables and driving development in this direction, please contact us for more information (

If your are an AUTOSAR partner already, you may also add yourself as part of WG-CLD by updating your company profile in the Partner Management Tool.